Cristina Demetrescu forecasts that a particular sign is not having the best of times. A definitive split is a possibility. On the other hand, other signs are embarking on grand ventures.
The astrologer Cristina Demetrescu has released a detailed horoscope for the early part of February. It appears that the next few days could be critical for certain individuals.
According to the horoscope by Cristina Demetrescu, Scorpio may be facing divorce. People born under this sign are dealing with numerous paperwork.
They have documents to sign, and the process takes time. However, there is also good news. Some Scorpios might find themselves engaged in lucrative partnerships instead of break-ups.
„Scorpios are encountering lots of paperwork, documents. They are signing agreements, possibly a marriage license or even a divorce settlement. This is a drawn-out process that’s quite intricate. They could also be forming alliances. They might receive an unexpected gift or surprise from their partner,” mentions Cristina Demetrescu.
Cristina Demetrescu has fascinating updates for one star sign
Those born under Sagittarius can also expect hectic times ahead, as indicated by the astrologer. Individuals of this zodiac have many projects, calling for considerable effort and organization.
Money is involved as well, which requires extra caution and acceptance of certain limitations. In the end, the payoff could exceed all expectations in a positive way.
„Sagittarians are attending interviews, dealing with professional projects that are currently in an excellent state. Terms are up for negotiation. Sagittarians should negotiate since they are on an upswing. Discussions also revolve around finances, but some clauses might come up, whether they relate to confidentiality or exclusivity. Nevertheless, it would be worthwhile to take on these restrictions,” adds astrologer Cristina Demetrescu.